I’m having fun

We don’t make jokes. We just watch the people around and report the facts, which is interpreted our way.


Why to install Joxify for your entertainment? We add FUN in your life with jokes, but we make sure you read the content as per your choice and mood.


We have included many very interesting categories that will male you laugh at loud

All time NEW contents

Our creative content writing team will make sure you get fresh jokes all the time

Text, GIF, Video, Audio contents

Our App is not limited to texts, you may see videos and animations as well.

Browse as per your MOOD

You can easily change the category of the content as per your mood

Unlimited FUN, all the time

Lots of funny contents available on the App which makes you laugh all the time

Without any Ads

We do not display any ads at this point of time. Our policy may change in future.

“People say, ‘How you stay looking so young?’

I say, well, I read jokes on Joxify and LOL everyday” 



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